These are Mom's recollections on her fifth and sixth-oldest siblings, Bud and Elmer.
Her write-up on her brother Elmer has another version of that great story about how Elmer and his wife got together partially because of Mom. Bud's story has some new anecdotes about Mom seeing peacocks, Bud helping her ride a small horse.
The photo is of Bud and Elmer in the service in Japan in 1953. The photo was sent to Mom in a stack of photos by Elmer's wife Peggy last year. The photo is referenced in Mom's story about Bud.
(Sis and Vern | Loren and Bernice | Hun and Nick | Terry and Dard | Greg, Karon and Mickey)
Next comes Melvin, or "Bud." He would help Mom take me to my doctors appointments. He could carry me with no problem at all. I stayed at their house often. One time, when Bud was working with this trucking company, and lived inside the compound, I was so excited for us because his boss had peacocks on the property. We never seen peacocks up close.
Of all the boys, he was the one that visited with me. He always made me feel important. After he got the chance, he bought his farm. He had a small horse for his kids to ride. Well, he helped me ride the horse. I was scared to death. The horse would move unevenly, so it scared me.
Bud also gave me my first big truck ride. We drove down into the place to deliver a load of cattle. That was very interesting. I love to see how things get done.
Bud and his wife both love to dance. They love polkas, etc. It is fun to watch them dance. It gives you a felling of 'gosh, that looks like fun.' I love music so dancing would be wonderful. Well, if I can't do it, I can at least watch it.
Bud was in the service for a time. At that time, we had the draft, so the next brother Elmer was there at the same time. They met in Japan on R&R. They sent a picture home. They looked so handsome in their uniforms.
Bud came home shortly after that. Elmer stayed in Korea for several years.
Elmer was next. He was and still is quite a jokester. He worked in a lumber yard when he graduated high school. He drove a yellow Henry J car and it was bright. About this time, I was about 5 years old. I was still unable to walk. (more on that later). My aunt Noree, Mom's sister, thought I needed some pen pals. She put my name in the "Dakota Farmer" as a young lady who needed pen pals. It also appeared in the "Montana Farmer." I received letters, cards and pretty handkerchiefs from lots of people. My sister Alice recorded all the names in a small book. I still have the book, but not the cards, etc.
There was one card from a young girl from Montana. She was about the same age as Alice, so she started a correspondence. The two became friends.
It was summer and Alice talked Mom into letting her go out to meet her. I don't know how that happened or how she let them go. Alice, Elmer and Loren drove out to Big Horn, Montana, before Interstates. I have once driven out there and this is with Interstate driving. Her name was Peggy. She had red hair and lived on a ranch where the driveway was 5 miles long. It was truly a ranch log cabin. She lived with her dad and three younger brothers. All really good people.
She came back home with them. To make a long story short, Peggy fell in love with our family and she married Elmer. That was my version. I love her, we all love her. She stayed with us sometimes when Elmer was drafted. He was in Korea in the Army. He was close to the front lines. I didn't get much detail, as I was too "small."
We eventually met all of Peggy's family. Her dad was a jokester also, so he fit right in with Elmer. It was so fun to see the two of them together. I never got out to Montana until years later.
Elmer came home and Peggy and Elmer married in January, in Montana. They came home for a reception of our relatives. In South Dakota, you don't plan anything in the middle of winter. There was a huge blizzard, so only a few of Elmer's buddies came and they had a poker party. That is all I remember, I probably was sent to bed.
Elmer and Peggy moved several different places, including Iowa. They have eight children, many grandchildren. ...
They are both retired. Elmer has a "huge" garden and Peggy cans enough for all winter. With all his building experience, he had this real little house and he added on several times, including a very big living room with a real working fireplace and a huge master bedroom, remodeled the kids bedrooms, bunks built into the wall.
Connie, July 2011
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